Private Provider Requests



This protocol outlines Whitley House Surgery’s approach to requests received for investigations under the NHS where the requests come from private providers.


Whitley House Surgery follow the British Medical Association’s guidance surrounding this which clearly states that, whilst a practice may be asked to do certain investigations or to prescribe specific medication for the patient, complying with such requests regardless of the GP’s management and treatment of the patient, is outside the scope of NHS Primary medical services.

Requests of this nature are responded to using the template BMA letter.

ADHD for privately diagnosed patients (Children or Adults)

There is no shared care agreement between the NHS and private healthcare providers. ADHD medications are also very specialist and outside the competency of General Practitioners. As a result, we are unable to issue medication for privately diagnosed ADHD patients. We can refer you for a diagnosis under the NHS or refer you for an NHS review of any specialist ADHD medication you have been initiated on by your private provider.



Please read in conjunction with the BMA guidance

Please use BMA guidance template letter when responding to requests


Non NHS Services

We are happy to undertake medical reports for insurance companies, employers and solicitors.

Please allow 28 days to process all requests.

Unfortunately the NHS does not cover these services and a fee will be charged, likewise, we will charge a fee for private certificates.

Please follow this link to a PDF document containing details of our fees. Non NHS Fees

We are unable to authorise requests for health checks relating to activites that require any level of indemnity including insurance indemnities.

Other services we do not provide include (but are not limited to)

  • Any Lasting Power of Attorney 
  • Capacity Assessments
  • Benefits and Housing letters of support